Energy Therapy

Healing Father Relationships

Are you ready to release the baggage surrounding Dad Relationships? This includes: Inner authority, self-discipline, courage, inner (and physical and emotional) strength, inner wisdom, judgement, patriarchy.

How do you *provide for yourself? Relationship with your dad/step-dad, etc, and so much more.

*PROVI’DE, verb transitive [Latin provideo, literally to see before;]

➡️To procure beforehand; to get, collect or make ready for future use; to prepare.

➡️To furnish; to supply; followed by with.

From the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary

Your relationship with your inner father is based on the records you imprinted over the course of your lifetime. It affects all of your relationships past and present. It is even responsible for whether or not you fill your needs or stay in cycles of addiction or self-sabotage.

This is a recording of a live group session.

Didn’t make it to the live session? That’s okay! The clearing is just as effective as if you were on the live call. Each time you listen to the recording it clears all layers ready to release to help you make faster progress in your life.

Sometimes, clients enjoy having a printable of some of the affirmations used on the call.  These affirmations can be used in a variety of ways, including saying them aloud throughout the week, a point to focus or meditate on to keep one’s thoughts positive, or to view on the fridge or mirror as reminders of positive thoughts, feelings, or goals.  This option will provide a PDF printable of some of the affirmations used, access to the call, and access to the replay recording. This product contains download of the session/clearing + PDF affirmations.

Affirmations to Print + Replay recording: $97

Time: 2 hours 10 minutes

(a $300 value)

Send the total via Venmo or PayPal.

Didn’t make it to the live session? That’s okay! The clearing is just as effective as if you were on the live call.

Shiloah Baker

My most cherished role is that of wife to Ben and mother to eleven amazing people who fill my life with joy. Our Baker's dozen has rapidly been expanding, and I am soon to have 7 adorable grandkids. 5 girls and 2 boys. I've mentored thousands of people around the globe in my work in emotional therapy or energy therapy over the course of 17 years. I consider myself a gypsy since I've lived around the globe over my life and counting. Currently, we live in Hawaii. I'm a voracious reader, medievalist, passionate about the Tudors, and all things related to the UK. The other titles I enjoy wearing are proprietress, writer, chatelaine, and daughter of a King. ♥



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