Group Clearing Sessions

Group energy healing works in the same way as a regular energy session; I will clear the energy for the group as a whole. Everyone benefits from a group clearing. If you are feeling stuck or in need of support between private sessions, this is a powerful, yet affordable way to keep the energy flowing and to keep you clear.

What to expect:
Most of the group sessions will have a topic and I will clear for the group collectively any blocks or negative emotions that stand in the way of healing or improving that area of your life.

The session will be on a group telephone call.  At the end of each session if anyone had any specific help they needed I will address these anonymously. Even if one person’s energy needs something specific I can detect it and clear it. Depending on time, I may open the lines for more specific requests.

To be included in the next scheduled group, purchase your spot up to 24 hours in advance by clicking the button below the group session of your choice.   Information on how to join the session will be emailed to you 30 minutes before the event.

The following are upcoming group sessions:

🌟Healing Holiday Stress🌟

November 30, 6 pm MST, 7 CST

Holidays can trigger all kind of emotional, mental, and physical stress.  Give yourself a gift of release and relief with this last group call of 2024. 

Reserve your spot on the call today!

Price $97

Venmo @Shiloah-Baker


Affirmations to Print + Replay recording: $97

Ask Outrageously!

Date: 📅 Saturday, October 26, 2024

Time: 6 pm MST, 7 pm CST

Where: teleconference, the code to dial in will be given after purchase and withing 24 hours of the call.

How often do you hold yourself back from asking for something you want, need, or desire?

Do you desire to feel more confident in clarity for what you want and asking for it? When you do ask, how well do you ask?  Do you feel you have to explain for permission or persuasion? Do you underestimate others, willingness to help, based on the stories and negative relationships from your past? Do you find yourself so self-sufficient that you end up doing all the work and all the responsibility falls back on you?  What are you unwilling to ask for? Is it help?  A break? A rest? Happiness? Where do you abandon yourself in holding back? 

The world is filled with blessings and abundance for all.  Fears, scarcity and many more emotions and subconscious programming keeps us from asking 

We will uncover all this and more!

Reserve your spot on the call today!

Cost for two downloads: $97

(A $300 value!)

Affirmations to Print + Replay recording: $97

Sometimes, clients enjoy having a printable of some of the affirmations used on the call.  These affirmations can be used in a variety of ways, including saying them aloud throughout the week, a point to focus or meditate on to keep one’s thoughts positive, or to view on the fridge or mirror as reminders of positive thoughts, feelings, or goals.  This option will provide a PDF printable of some of the affirmations used, access to the call, and access to the replay recording.

Put which group call you will attend in the notes.

Testimonial for group calls:

You can use PayPal too if desired. Please put which group clearing in the comments.

Testimonial and FAQ’s

“I have participated in a number of Group Calls with Shiloah now and they are each incredible, unique and healing. She is flawless with going between the group and individuals as the energy directs her. She is able to pinpoint exact time frames and gives clear visuals to help each person in the group. She asks for feedback during the session, and you are an active participant and not just listening to her speak. Shiloah is amazing at educating you about the energy on every call, so they are perfect for beginners. She sends the PFD quickly and with this you are able to listen to these sessions whenever you need to and clear more and more layers. Through group sessions I have been able to gain clear understanding of so many different topics that I would have never thought needed clarity. Shiloah has a gift from God, and it comes through on every session.” -Jodi Smith


Those who have not participated in a group clearing often worry that they will be called on or be seen by the group. No need to fear. For those registered to the call, I send out a few optional questions to help with any personal and anonymous help at some point during the call. It is an audio phone call and all callers are muted. I do offer a text chat to answer any additional questions anonymously and/or check-ins and feedback.

For FAQ videos, consider subscribing to the Patreon membership.

You can still buy the past session replays! Click here to browse:

Get It Together

Organize yourself, your life, your mind. There is often a lot of energy around being disorganized. From stress, to trauma, to inattention, and especially low self-worth. No matter what area you need to organize, this group call is sure to help you get to the roots of the matters. When something is out of order in your life much time and energy is wasted. And when it comes to achievement, believing in yourself and a good outcome makes all the difference in whether you sink or swim.

Life has multiple meanings and layers. My role is to help you stop expending your emotional energy for exchanges and results that do not serve you. Often we don’t realize how that energy is being spent, but we feel and see those results in our lives.

Reserve your spot on the call today!

Cost per person (includes recording and PDF): $97

(A $300 value!)

Joyful Mornings and Peaceful Nights

Science says that having a good morning routine is like your power for the day. The studies show how important good routines set the tone for the day. What tends to block people from forming or maintaining good morning flows is programming. In this call, we will get fine-tuned to the most important energy themes- the feelings and beliefs that we wake up to routinely that thwart this desired progress. Each

person has their own needs to be met in the morning and for their day. Behind each of these blocks to a good morning, I will guide you through finding even the most subtle of energies (belief systems, generational programming, childhood baggage, etc), to set the tone and new themes as we clear the baggage that was keeping you from attaining this.

Some common themes/issues that block people:

*What is happening to their bodies such as aches, pains, hunger

*Fears regarding what is ahead: will I be late, fear of harm, fear of what other people will do or think.

*Overwhelm: the tasks on your plate, what you fear will be added to them, relationship strains, etc.

In order for our mornings to be successful and productive, our evenings and nights should be as well. Often exhaustion sets in early and thwarts your best laid plans. Getting dinner done can be a chore. Cravings kick in. Even overeating. Is all the chaos conjured in your life in the evening and you just want to numb out or escape? Do you also get a wind of energy before bed and then it’s difficult to settle? What about the consuming plague of negative thoughts keeping you from peace? Is this when the guilt appears? All that you should have done, could have done, wished you did differently? What about certain times of morning or night that bring up triggers of sadness, pain, grief, or fear?

Let’s get rid of the roots, thought patterns, negative feelings, and belief systems that is directly involved in creating these experiences day after day, and night after night.

Join us for this month’s group call! With over 16 years of experience of helping thousands of people release their baggage and find happiness, I’m ready to help YOU. Give yourself the gift of release. Find yourself. Create something new for your life- fresh start and fresh hope.

Cost per person (includes recording and PDF): $97

(A $300 value)

Group energy healing works in the same way as a regular energy session; I will clear the energy for the group as a whole.  Everyone benefits from a group clearing.  If you are feeling stuck or in need of support between private sessions, this is a powerful yet affordable way to keep the energy flowing and to keep you clear.

Can’t make it to the live session? That’s okay! The clearing is just as effective as if you were on the live call.

đŸ’”Increase Your ProsperityđŸ’”

3 Part Clearing with 3 PDFs

“The only way that someone can be of help to you is by challenging your ideas.”

Anthony de Mello, S.J.


“We’ve all accepted many false ideas and beliefs throughout our lives, and those false ideas and beliefs have kept us enslaved. We’ve been told that there’s limitation and lack in the world—that there’s not enough money, time, resources, love, or health: “Life is short,” “You’re only human,” “You have to work hard and struggle to get somewhere in life,” “We’re running out of resources,” “The world is in turmoil,”

“The world needs saving.” But the moment you see the truth, those mistruths will crumble, and your happiness will arise from the ruins.”

Rhonda Byrne

Did you know that if you feel lack or limitation in your finances it is stemming from your belief systems about money? Your relationship with money is based on the records you imprinted over the course of your lifetime.

The mind is like a record playing the “records” based on our DNA, the way we were raised, life experiences and the thoughts we entertain.

The “records” affect how we react, our decisions, etc. Did you know that we all have an average of 60,000 thoughts a day? Get this— 90% of those thoughts are the same ones we had yesterday! And over 77% of these are negative thoughts!

Energy goes where attention flows.

Somewhere along the way, you imprinted beliefs about how much money you’re “allowed” to have. This psychological limit is your money ceiling.

It starts to form when you’re young & you hear things like:

“Only the rich get richer.”

“Only doctors and lawyers deserve to make money.”

“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

Or maybe you watched your parents pinch pennies, judge others for their spending, or put your family in financial jeopardy.

If you answer “YES” to any of the questions, or have any negative thoughts, feelings or experiences with money, this is the call đŸ“± you need to join!

1. Have you ever had an argument over money?

2. Do you feel weighed down by bills or expenses?

3. Do you have fears over making ends meet?

4. Do you have to skip regular vacations?

5. Can you afford what you need or want?

6. Do you put yourself last?

7. Do you feel guilty about spending money?

8. Are you afraid of being without money?

9. Do you have a hard time stretching your paycheck?

10. Are you always “pinching pennies?”

11. Are you getting paid what you’re truly worth?

12. Do you ever get stuck in financial ruts?

13. Do you have negative feelings spending money?

14. Does money only drip-drip into your bank account?

15. Do you find that you seek less, want less, BE less

How I can help

*I have helped thousands of people reprogram their belief systems and their lives have changed dramatically.

*I have 16 years professional experience intuiting blocks and stuck energy keeping people from happy, productive lives.

*During a group session I’ll be harnessing that intuition for the collective benefit of the group, identifying general blocks and patterns, and working to clear them. This includes generation blocks as well.

*In my experience I have come to know that the first step to cultivating wealth and abundance is to identify and release the layers of old beliefs, blocks, and patterns you’ve unconsciously held onto since before the age of 8 years old. Addressing and releasing these is crucial to your success.

Group energy healing works in the same way as a regular energy session; I will clear the energy for the group as a whole.  Everyone benefits from a group clearing.  If you are feeling stuck or in need of support between private sessions, this is a powerful yet affordable way to keep the energy flowing and to keep you clear.

Cost per person (includes recording): $350

(a $700 value)

Venmo with the group call in the comments
You can use PayPal too if desired. Please put which group clearing in the comments.

Can’t make it to the live session? That’s okay! The clearing is just as effective as if you were on the live call.

Want MORE help? đŸ‘‡đŸ»

Did you miss the last group session- Reach for the Stars? You can purchase the recording and the benefits are just as effective everything time you listen to it-just as if you were on the live call! To purchase the replay and receive the PDF of journal prompts and affirmations, send payment below:

Reach for the Stars

Overcome Procrastination, Avoidance, and Delaying

Now available as a download

The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you’re no longer willing to stay where you are. Accomplishment begins with thoughts and is closely followed by action. What often happens is we get stuck in between thought and action. These blocks are often negative programming or belief systems thwarting your belief in yourself and your abilities. Let’s remove these blocks and all the reasons they were created in the first place. Then, we will work on next steps and clearing the emotional energy that you feel gets in your way.

How can this call đŸ“± help you?

  • Do you have a hard time with schedules?
  • How is your relationship with structure, order, or the rhythm of your day?
  • Are you accomplishing what you want to?
  • Do you fulfill your goals?
  • Are you setting any goals?
  • Does time seem to get away from you?
  • Do you feel bad about wasting time?
  • Do you consider yourself lazy?
  • Do you run around and are always busy but not as productive as you’d like to be?
  • Do you ever feel overwhelmed or stuck?
  • Is concentration hard for you to plan?

We will covered this and so much more on this call. ☎

“One of greatest thieves this world has is procrastination, and he is still at large. Are we aiding and abetting the criminal?”

Sterling W. Sill

Let’s shine a light on the negative belief systems and baggage that has been holding you back and robbing you of forward movement and take charge of your life today.

Cost for the replay (includes recording): $97

(a $300 value)

Send the total via Venmo or PayPal.

Didn’t make it to the live session? That’s okay! The clearing is just as effective as if you were on the live call.