Energy Therapy

Healthy Body, More Physical Energy, and Believing In Yourself

Group energy healing works in the same way as a regular energy session; I will clear the energy for the group as a whole. Everyone benefits from a group clearing. If you are feeling stuck or in need of support between private sessions, this is a powerful, yet affordable way to keep the energy flowing and to keep you clear.

What to expect:
Most of the group sessions will have a topic and I will clear for the group collectively any blocks or negative emotions that stand in the way of healing or improving that area of your life.

The session will be on a group telephone call.  At the end of each session if anyone had any specific help they needed I will address these anonymously. Even if one person’s energy needs something specific I can detect it and clear it. Depending on time, I may open the lines for more specific requests.

To be included in the next scheduled group, purchase your spot up to 24 hours in advance by clicking the button below the group session of your choice.   Information on how to join the session will be emailed to you 30 minutes before the event.


The following are upcoming group sessions:

Increasing Your Energy Levels and Physical Health

Date: Friday, May 25, 2018

Time: 12 PM EST, 11 AM CST, 10 AM MST, 9 AM PST

Join us for a group energy therapy call! All about Increasing your physical Energy and maintaining (and creating) a Healthy Body.

“Emotions that we have not faced, accepted nor dealt with are stored as repressed emotional energy, waiting for a future time when we can learn from them… Since they are filed in our bodies in places of which our conscious mind is not aware, they keep us reminded of their existence in a variety of negative ways. They can cause pain, illness, disease, and malfunction on any and all levels- physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual.” (David Stewart, PhD, Healing Oils of the Bible, 116-117.)

Are you tired? How is your sleep? Are you bogged down by heaviness, poor health, low spirits? Do you often find the need for stimulants to make it through your day? Do you find that you do things to sabotage your healthy lifestyle by eating the wrong foods, cheating on your diet, staying up too late, etc?

“As you go about your day, your energy field is constantly reflecting, absorbing, projecting and even deflecting the energy of everything around you.
From the energy of other people to the energy of electromagnetic fields and even the energy of conversations and emotional events, your energy field is in a constant state of movement and change.
That constant state of movement can eventually have an effect on your energy field, causing imbalances and “sticky points” where experiences get stuck.
Points in your energy field can be weak or strong, vibrant or lethargic and even sticky or smooth.” –

In this group call, we will clear and balance all levels of you and reset those false and limiting beliefs.

Group energy healing works in the same way as a regular energy session; I will clear the energy for the group as a whole. Everyone benefits from a group clearing. If you are feeling stuck or in need of support between private sessions, this is a powerful yet affordable way to keep the energy flowing and to keep you clear.

Please see the comments for several discounts and specials with this call and next month’s call! Can’t wait~


Reserve your spot on the call today!

Group energy healing works in the same way as a regular energy session; I will clear the energy for the group as a whole.  Everyone benefits from a group clearing.  If you are feeling stuck or in need of support between private sessions, this is a powerful yet affordable way to keep the energy flowing and to keep you clear.

Cost per person (includes recording): $40

(a $150 value- you save $110!)

Can’t make it to the live session? That’s okay! The clearing is just as effective as if you were on the live call.

Second Option:

Affirmations to Print + Cost per person for Call + Replay recording: $50

Sometimes, clients enjoy having a printable of some of the affirmations used on the call.  These affirmations can be used in a variety of ways, including saying them aloud throughout the week, a point to focus or meditate on to keep one’s thoughts positive, or to view on the fridge or mirror as reminders of positive thoughts, feelings, or goals.  This option will provide a PDF printable of some of the affirmations used, access to the call, and access to the replay recording.

$50 ^

Special Pricing for Both May & June’s Group Calls:

Without affirmations:

Regular Price $80: Your Price: $70


With affirmations:

Regular Price $100: Your Price: $89

I Believe– Group Energy Session

Date: Friday, June 15, 2018

Time: 12 PM EST, 11 AM CST, 10 AM MST, 9 AM PST


“Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.” ― William James, The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy

Do you struggle with belief? Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe that others support you and have your best interests at heart? Do you find that often you start believing the negative judgments of others regarding you? Does doubt creep up all too often in your life? Does this doubt cause fear, stop you, limit you, or cause you to question yourself? Are you minimizing yourself and your abilities? Are the results you want to see in your life not showing up? Then on some level of your mind, you don’t fully believe in your own success and do believe in the opposite. In this group call, we will clear and balance all levels of you and reset those false and limiting beliefs and focus on restoring faith, trust, belief, and hope in all areas of your life.

“Our belief about something is a based on our evaluation of that thing.” Bob Proctor

“Change is inevitable but personal growth is a choice.” – Bob Proctor

Group energy healing works in the same way as a regular energy session; I will clear the energy for the group as a whole. Everyone benefits from a group clearing. If you are feeling stuck or in need of support between private sessions, this is a powerful yet affordable way to keep the energy flowing and to keep you clear.

Please see the comments for several discounts and specials with this call and May’s call!

Cost per person (includes recording): $40

(a $150 value- you save $110!)


Second Option:

Affirmations to Print + Cost per person for Call + Replay recording: $50

Sometimes, clients enjoy having a printable of some of the affirmations used on the call.  These affirmations can be used in a variety of ways, including saying them aloud throughout the week, a point to focus or meditate on to keep one’s thoughts positive, or to view on the fridge or mirror as reminders of positive thoughts, feelings, or goals.  This option will provide a PDF printable of some of the affirmations used, access to the call, and access to the replay recording.

Special Pricing for Both May & June’s Group Calls:

Without affirmations:

Regular Price $80: Your Price: $70


With affirmations:

Regular Price $100: Your Price: $89


Shiloah Baker

My greatest dreams are to have a housekeeper; unlimited reading time; to travel wherever and whenever I want; to live in England, Italy and Hawaii; to go to Oxford University in the UK; to have all 11 children go on missions and to college; and to die peacefully in my sleep as an old, healthy woman. ♥



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