3 Part Clearing with 3 PDFs
“We’ve all accepted many false ideas and beliefs throughout our lives, and those false ideas and beliefs have kept us enslaved. We’ve been told that there’s limitation and lack in the world—that there’s not enough money, time, resources, love, or health: “Life is short,” “You’re only human,” “You have to work hard and struggle to get somewhere in life,” “We’re running out of resources,” “The world is in turmoil,”
“The world needs saving.” But the moment you see the truth, those mistruths will crumble, and your happiness will arise from the ruins.”
“The only way that someone can be of help to you is by challenging your ideas.”
Anthony de Mello, S.J.
“We’ve all accepted many false ideas and beliefs throughout our lives, and those false ideas and beliefs have kept us enslaved. We’ve been told that there’s limitation and lack in the world—that there’s not enough money, time, resources, love, or health: “Life is short,” “You’re only human,” “You have to work hard and struggle to get somewhere in life,” “We’re running out of resources,” “The world is in turmoil,”
“The world needs saving.” But the moment you see the truth, those mistruths will crumble, and your happiness will arise from the ruins.”
Rhonda Byrne
Did you know that if you feel lack or limitation in your finances it is stemming from your belief systems about money? Your relationship with money is based on the records you imprinted over the course of your lifetime.
The mind is like a record playing the “records” based on our DNA, the way we were raised, life experiences and the thoughts we entertain.
The “records” affect how we react, our decisions, etc. Did you know that we all have an average of 60,000 thoughts a day? Get this— 90% of those thoughts are the same ones we had yesterday! And over 77% of these are negative thoughts!
Energy goes where attention flows.
Somewhere along the way, you imprinted beliefs about how much money you’re “allowed” to have. This psychological limit is your money ceiling.
It starts to form when you’re young & you hear things like:
“Only the rich get richer.”
“Only doctors and lawyers deserve to make money.”
“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
Or maybe you watched your parents pinch pennies, judge others for their spending, or put your family in financial jeopardy.
If you answer “YES” to any of the questions, or have any negative thoughts, feelings or experiences with money, this is the call 📱 you need to join!
1. Have you ever had an argument over money?
2. Do you feel weighed down by bills or expenses?
3. Do you have fears over making ends meet?
4. Do you have to skip regular vacations?
5. Can you afford what you need or want?
6. Do you put yourself last?
7. Do you feel guilty about spending money?
8. Are you afraid of being without money?
9. Do you have a hard time stretching your paycheck?
10. Are you always “pinching pennies?”
11. Are you getting paid what you’re truly worth?
12. Do you ever get stuck in financial ruts?
13. Do you have negative feelings spending money?
14. Does money only drip-drip into your bank account?
15. Do you find that you seek less, want less, BE less
Increase Your Prosperity—Your Relationship with Money
Money clearing Part 2: Blocks on Income (the incoming abundance) and Wealth Accumulation
Money clearing Part 3: when your relationship with yourself interferes with your financial success
How I can help
*I have helped thousands of people reprogram their belief systems and their lives have changed dramatically.
*I have 16 years professional experience intuiting blocks and stuck energy keeping people from happy, productive lives.
*During a group session I’ll be harnessing that intuition for the collective benefit of the group, identifying general blocks and patterns, and working to clear them. This includes generation blocks as well.
*In my experience I have come to know that the first step to cultivating wealth and abundance is to identify and release the layers of old beliefs, blocks, and patterns you’ve unconsciously held onto since before the age of 8 years old. Addressing and releasing these is crucial to your success.
Group energy healing works in the same way as a regular energy session; I will clear the energy for the group as a whole. Everyone benefits from a group clearing. If you are feeling stuck or in need of support between private sessions, this is a powerful yet affordable way to keep the energy flowing and to keep you clear.
Price: $350: Includes 3 audios 1 hour + clearings each + 3 PDFs with journaling prompts, affirmations, quotes
(a $700 value)

Venmo with the group call in the comments

You can use PayPal too if desired. Please put which group clearing in the comments.
Didn’t make it to the live session? That’s okay! The clearing is just as effective as if you were on the live call.
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Whether you’re new to energy work or a have been enjoying the benefits for a while, this community will be a great fit if you’re hungry for more. I will be featuring 3-minute, 5-minute, and 10 minute clearing videos, FAQ videos, and access to energy tools to keep your energy clean and clear.
what do you think?