How often do you hold yourself back from asking for something you want, need, or desire?
Do you desire to feel more confident in clarity for what you want and asking for it? When you do ask, how well do you ask? Do you feel you have to explain for permission or persuasion? Do you underestimate others, willingness to help, based on the stories and negative relationships from your past? Do you find yourself so self-sufficient that you end up doing all the work and all the responsibility falls back on you? What are you unwilling to ask for? Is it help? A break? A rest? Happiness? Where do you abandon yourself in holding back?
The world is filled with blessings and abundance for all. Fears, scarcity and many more emotions and subconscious programming keeps us from asking
We uncover all this and more!
Affirmations to Print + Replay recording: $97
The world is filled with blessings and abundance for all. Fears, scarcity and many more emotions and subconscious programming keeps us from asking
We will uncover all this and more!

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