Energy Therapy

Overcome Procrastination, Avoidance, and Delaying

Reach for the Stars

Now available as a download

The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you’re no longer willing to stay where you are. Accomplishment begins with thoughts and is closely followed by action. What often happens is we get stuck in between thought and action. These blocks are often negative programming or belief systems thwarting your belief in yourself and your abilities. Let’s remove these blocks and all the reasons they were created in the first place. Then, we will work on next steps and clearing the emotional energy that you feel gets in your way.

How can this call 📱 help you?

  • Do you have a hard time with schedules?
  • How is your relationship with structure, order, or the rhythm of your day?
  • Are you accomplishing what you want to?
  • Do you fulfill your goals?
  • Are you setting any goals?
  • Does time seem to get away from you?
  • Do you feel bad about wasting time?
  • Do you consider yourself lazy?
  • Do you run around and are always busy but not as productive as you’d like to be?
  • Do you ever feel overwhelmed or stuck?
  • Is concentration hard for you to plan?

We will covered this and so much more on this call. ☎️

“One of greatest thieves this world has is procrastination, and he is still at large. Are we aiding and abetting the criminal?”Sterling W. Sill

Let’s shine a light on the negative belief systems and baggage that has been holding you back and robbing you of forward movement and take charge of your life today.

Cost for the replay (includes recording): $97

(a $300 value)

Send the total via Venmo or PayPal.

Didn’t make it to the live session? That’s okay! The clearing is just as effective as if you were on the live call.

Shiloah Baker

My most cherished role is that of wife to Ben and mother to eleven amazing people who fill my life with joy. Our Baker's dozen has rapidly been expanding, and I am soon to have 7 adorable grandkids. 5 girls and 2 boys. I've mentored thousands of people around the globe in my work in emotional therapy or energy therapy over the course of 17 years. I consider myself a gypsy since I've lived around the globe over my life and counting. Currently, we live in Hawaii. I'm a voracious reader, medievalist, passionate about the Tudors, and all things related to the UK. The other titles I enjoy wearing are proprietress, writer, chatelaine, and daughter of a King. ♥



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