Our 9th child Evelyn Sophia-Grace was nicknamed “The Lamb” immediately after birth. We were reading as a family and the youngest was “the Lamb.” Her name evolved to Lamby. And now that she is nearing six, she is starting to question her nickname. Now I’m going to mourn my little Lamby who is now Mutton.
There is something about my walking into the living room, from any corner of the house, to make a saint of my four-year-old daughter, Lamby. She immediately starts pulling contraband out of her satchel, or purse, or whatever carrying device she is using at the moment. The missing pair of scissors, permanent markers, and bedroom keys are usually among the “goods.” She’ll hand them over to me with the utmost importance in her duty.
At times, I will walk in the bathroom, directly after one of my younger children has used it. I peer down in the toilet knowing I can gather much information. The good news is they’re wiping their bums. The bad news is they are toilet paper wasters. The good news is the bowels are working, the bad news is she didn’t wipe, and that is her pair of underwear on the floor. Time for a bath.
The other day, Lamby showed me her legs. They were spotted like a disease on one leg, orange scribbles along the shinbone on the other. She complained, “Mommy, Courtney drew all over me!” I asked, “Why did you hold still?”
Lamby brought the baby’s box of cookies into my room and asked if she could eat them. I explained that the cookies were only for Nicolette and she should have something else to eat. She tried to clarify her understanding of the reason she shouldn’t eat the cookies by asking, “So, these cookies are for babies, and HUMANS eat other foods?”
Tonight I asked a question of the family during scripture study. The responses went like this:
Meri: “Jesus”
Makenzie: “Christ”
Lamby: “Amen!”
I was eating some gluten-free toast with cream cheese when Lamby (4) plopped down beside me. She put her chin in her hands and watched me eat the last half of my toast.
“You like the ins, Mom?”
After a blank, confused look on my face, she continued.
“I like the outs; Mom, do you like the ins?”
I turned to look at her and wondered what in the world she was talking about! She pointed at me, “Can I have your outs?” I looked at my toast and saw she was talking about the crust. I like the “ins” and she likes the “outs!”
I promptly handed her the last piece of “outs.”
“Can I hold her paw?” three-year-old Courtney asked daddy last night as she reached out to hold Nicolette’s hand.
My Lamby (5) taught us a new aspect of geology I never knew during read-aloud time tonight! 😂. Water and chocolate makes LAVA.
. I need to study more…lol
(Parts were originally written in 2017)
Evelyn has been recently diagnosed with autism, oppositional defiant disorder, and ADHD. She my unique, special daughter.
what do you think?